How to Prioritize Your Spouse as a Parent

Liz Sweet

Liz Sweet emphasizes the importance of the marriage relationship and gives personal tips on how to prioritize your spouse throughout the child-rearing years.

Keeping Your Cool: Setting the Tone of Your Family

Carrie Walker

Carrie teaches that children look to their parents on how to handle and regulate their own emotions. While acknowledging that it is no easy feat to remain calm during stressful situations, she offers some helpful tips on how to do so.

The Second Tablet

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 20:12-17

The first four sayings of the the Ten Commandments concerns our relationship with God. The remaining four govern our relationships with others, whether within the family or with friends and neighbors. The Ten Commandments demonstrate the high view God has of good, healthy relationships and how His commands are for our good.

Helping Kids Learn to Love Reading

Chris Risley
Exodus 20:12-17

Chris Riley lists the benefits of reading for all ages and how to grow our love for reading. She also gives practical tips on how to impart the love of reading onto our children and get them to read more.

Raising a Supernaturalist

Ryan Weingartner
Exodus 20:12-17

Ryan Weingartner identifies helpful tips for raising children who are aware of God in their daily lives. From reading the Bible to analyzing pop culture, he gives creative options for turning children's attention to the Lord.

United Front in Parenting

Patrice McCormac
Ephesians 4:2-3

Mike and Patrice present on how to have a unified marriage in the context of parenting.

Honor Your Parents

James Rochford
Ephesians 6:1-4

In the Apostle Paul's day, the father had ultimate control over his children, even after they were grown. God has a different view of the authority of the father. It should be a relationship where the father teaches the child to follow God. Children, in turn , are to obey when they are young and to honor their patents when they are grown up.

Family, God's Way

Scott Risley
Ephesians 6:1-4

Children need godly parents to show them the way to live. They in turn are called to obey when young, and honor their parents when older. In Greco-Roman times, the father was the ultimate authority, but Peter points out that God is in authority over the father. God calls the father to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Is there Hope for Successful Marriages?

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 5:22-32

Historically, many people have believed the Bible teaches patriarchy and that women must submit to men because they are inferior to men. This could not be further from the truth! The Bible actually extols women. Submission means showing a willingness to be responsive to servant leadership. Men are to love their wives as Jesus loves the Church by laying down their lives for their wives.