The Revolution Within

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:9-12

Paul talks about gratitude for the Colossians and what God has done for them. Through this passage, we see that we are never too far off from God and we can always be reconciled to Him through the sacrifice of Jesus. 

Live No Longer as the Gentiles Do

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 4:17-32

After we become confident in our identities before God, we can then start looking at how God wants us to live in response to His gift of grace. 

Walking Worthy

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 4:1-16

Paul encourages the believers to live their life based on God's grace and sacrifice. 

Neither Do I Condemn You

James Rochford
John 8:1-11

The Pharisees tried to put Jesus on the horns of a dilemma by dragging a woman caught in adultery before Him.  If He condemned her, He would violate Roman law, If He defends her, He breaks Old Testament Law.  Instead, He challenges the Pharisees to cast the first stone if they have no sinful involvement in this situation.

The Lord is My Shepherd

Ben Foust
Psalms 23:1-6

David refers to God as his Shepherd. This shows that God offers us guidance, protection, and care. 

The Woman Caught in Adultery

Brian Adams
John 8:1-11

How can we experience transformation from the power of sin when the Law makes us sin more?  The Law leads to condemnation and defeat whereas grace fills and frees us to pursue a different path.  Grace brings satisfaction and the power to transform.

When God Offers to Heal You, Say Yes

Brian Adams
John 5:1-24

We have ample evidence the Bible is trustworthy, so when God makes us an offer, we should say yes without hesitancy, excuses, or complaining.  The religious mentality is catastrophic to our spiritual life, whereas, living under grace is the best way to live.

Unity in a Divided World

Mike Woods
1 Corinthians 1:10-17

When God transforms and unifies people and groups so they love each other and practice grace, the results are like a beautiful symphony that is attractive to others.

Meeting The Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-17

Dennis explores what John meant by Jesus being the Logos or the Word. John states all things came into being through Jesus. This means He is, among other things, infinite, eternal and outside of His creation and not subject to its physical laws. He is the bringer of life and light to the world. When the Word became flesh, we could see His glory, grace and truth.