The Holy Spirit

Scott Risley
John 14:1-26

The Holy Spirit is the key to true spirituality.  He offers power, guidance and closeness that only he can provide.

The Holy Spirit

Brian Adams
John 14:1-26

Brian Adams covers eight of the ministries of the Holy Spirit.  If you would like to be filed with the Holy Spirit, you must first meet Him by putting your faith in Him.  Then you can be filled with the Spirit as you ask Him to fill you, as you read your Bible, and as you take steps of faith.

Jesus Promises to Send the Holy Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 14:1-26

Just before His departure, Jesus reassures the disciples He will not leave them as orphans, but will send the Holy Spirit to be with them always. Conrad details seven of the roles the Holy Spirit performs in the life of a follower of Jesus.

An Important Reminder

Mike Woods
2 Timothy 1:1-7

As Paul approaches the end of his life, he writes a letter to his dear friend Timothy, reminding him of the Holy Spirit's work in his life and to tend the "fire" God has given him.  

Concerning Spiritual Gifts

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 12:1-11

God gives a variety of spiritual gifts to His people for one purpose-to build up His church.  The Holy Spirit superintends this process and work.

Four Promises on the Final Night

James Rochford
John 14:1-17:23

On his final night with his disciples, Jesus lays out intimidating commands and predictions, but also robust promises. He promises them "another advocate"--the Holy Spirit--the words of God, prayer, and unifying fellowship. These promises stand for Christians today as they face the challenges of serving God.

The Mind of Christ

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

God's wisdom is what matters, not worldly wisdom.  Ben describes six keys to knowing God's wisdom.  It is for the mature. It is distinct from the wisdom of man. God's wisdom is revealed. It is conveyed through the agency of the Holy Spirit.  It is possible for humans to speak God's wisdom as His agents.  And finally, The Holy Spirit helps us to discern what is truly wise.

Describing the Indescribable

Rosy Talarzyk
1 Corinthians 2:16

The book of Revelation talks about many indescribable events that are supernaturally empowered. It describes a cosmic war and suffering on a scale never before seen. Yet, it is a book of profound hope. Jesus overcomes the world. We, as His followers, are also overcomers and receive amazing rewards. In God's mercy, everyone is given an invitation to join Him in overcoming. May everyone "Who has an ear, let him hear" this invitation and accept it.

Do Not Quench the Spirit

Lee Campbell
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

It can be difficult to understand the meaning of the command to not quench the Spirit since it is put in the negative. If we change it to the positive it may be better understood. To not quench the Spirit means to walk in and keep in step with the Spirit by glorifying God, following His leadership and by pursuing righteousness.