I Am the Vine

Conrad Hilario
John 15:1-15

In order for Christians to bear fruit, we must be connected to the Vine, Jesus.  We remain in Jesus when we consistently and creatively put thought into our time with Him, when we acknowledge His presence and rely on Him to bear fruit through us.

Heart of a Movement

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:1-8

As Paul opens his letter to the Colossians, he encourages them on their strong faith and their love for others. The love of the Colossians was displayed in their zeal to spread the gospel to nearby areas. 

An Important Reminder

Mike Woods
2 Timothy 1:1-7

As Paul approaches the end of his life, he writes a letter to his dear friend Timothy, reminding him of the Holy Spirit's work in his life and to tend the "fire" God has given him.  

Doing the Dirty Work

Scott Risley
John 13:1-17

While the disciple were only thinking about themselves, Jesus gives them an example to follow by washing the disciples dirty feet.  Only slaves had the lowly task of washing peoples' feet, but Jesus humbled Himself to do this for His disciples so that they could learn the blessing of serving one another in love.

A Heart of Servant Love

James Rochford
John 13:1-35

Why would anyone want to pursue a lifestyle of sacrificial love?  Sacrificial love is motivated by having a new identity in Christ.  God loved us first and gives us an example to emulate.  Giving is the key to a happy life.  This will make us or break us.  This was the last teaching Judas heard from Jesus and he walked away to betray Jesus. This servant love convinces others that God's love is genuine.

The Upper Room

Dennis McCallum
John 13:1-17

The same night Judas plans his betrayal of Jesus and the disciples argue who is the greatest among them, Jesus takes a basin of water and washes the disciples' feet as an example for them to follow. 

I AM the Resurrection

James Rochford
John 11:1-53

In this account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, we learn why Jesus waited four days to intervene and what this reveals about the heart of God.  We also learn several important things from the grief of Mary and Martha that can help us endure difficult times of grief.

Let All Things Be Done for Edification

Mike Woods
1 Corinthians 14:1-26

Paul admonished the Corinthians for valuing spiritual gifting over love.  He called them to pursue love above all the gifts.  He outlined what the principle of love would look like in our fellowship gatherings where everyone was prepared to edify each other with both our gifting and love.

Pursue Love

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

The pursuit of love first involves receiving God's love through Christ, then reflecting on God's love toward you so you avoid the drift toward self-love, and finally, asking God to help you love when you are unmotivated to love.