The Holy Spirit

Scott Risley
John 14:1-26

The Holy Spirit is the key to true spirituality.  He offers power, guidance and closeness that only he can provide.

An Important Reminder

Mike Woods
2 Timothy 1:1-7

As Paul approaches the end of his life, he writes a letter to his dear friend Timothy, reminding him of the Holy Spirit's work in his life and to tend the "fire" God has given him.  

The Power of Gratitude

Ben Foust
Psalms 40:1-17

This psalm emphasizes the importance of gratitude to God, even under difficult circumstances. 

How to Lament

Ben Foust
Psalms 43:1-5

Following the psalmist's example, we can learn how to lament to God and bring our complaints to Him. 


Ben Foust
Psalms 51:1-19

Psalm 51 shows us that no matter how far we stray from God, we can turn to Him in repentance and be forgiven. This is possible because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. 

Pray Your Fears

Ben Foust
Psalms 27:1-14

Because of God's knowledge and power, He is capable of handling our fears. Psalm 27 shows us how to give our fears over to God instead of remaining paralyzed by our own anxieties. 

David a Man After God's Heart?

James Rochford
2 Samuel 23

In spite of David's grievous sins, he was still considered a man after God's heart. He knew how to talk honestly with God. He pointed people to God. He understood and accepted God's grace.

Praying for Your Children

Patrice McCormac
2 Samuel 23

Patrice McCormac talks about challenges to praying for our children and how to overcome these various hurdles.

'Pestering' God

Lee Campbell
Luke 18:1-8

If the unjust judge gave the persistent widow her justice, how much more will God, a just judge, give us justice? This parable teaches us to keep praying to God and to keep waiting on God.