Ministry Greed: Diagnosis & Treatment

Conrad Hilario | Dennis McCallum | John Ross
This paper examines the sources of ministry greed, distinguishes it from healthy ministry hunger, and offers preventative measures.

My Reaction to "The Language of God", Francis S. Collins

Dennis McCallum
The Language of God is an interesting read from one of the world's most prestigious scientists. He recounts his own conversion from agnosticism to theism, and goes on to examine how a personal creator accords with the findings of science. This book could be very helpful to non-believers when questioning their own agnosticism or atheism. I found it less useful as a guide to a Christian view of origins.

My View of Myself: In Adam or in Christ

Dennis McCallum
Self focus can be a bad thing, but we all have to think of ourselves. What is the difference between a self-focus in the negative sense, and viewing myself as dead to sin but alive to Christ Jesus?

New Testament Endtimes Prophecy Chart

Dennis McCallum
Pastor Dennis McCallum catalogs key end times prophecies from the New Testament.

New Testament Principles of Church Finance

Dennis McCallum
A review of New Testament passages on how the church should use its money, how it should handle its money and how it should go about collecting money.

No Need For Apologetics? Postmodernism’s Effect on Christian Apologetics

Conrad Hilario
We live in an age of rapid change and movement. Faddish trends appear one day and promptly vanish into obsolescence the next. Today, many discussions about postmodernism would likely fall into this category. Flooding the discussion with books and articles –either decrying or defending postmodernism– many authors have set their sights on continuing this furious battle of tug-of-war. Meanwhile, large segments of the younger generation are growing apathetic toward the discussion. Nevertheless, the prevalence of postmodern thought accounts for a shift in the way people see truth. Although this shift has affected many areas of life in our culture, it has had a potent affect on believers in Christ--particularly, apathy toward learning and practicing apologetics among young believers. This article will explore the reasons for this growing trend and its unforeseen consequences.

Occult Bondage: Definitions and Solutions

Gary DeLashmutt and Dennis McCallum
Evil spirits often seek and obtain influence over people's lives. Authorities on spiritual bondage describe different levels of spiritual influence commonly seen. The following material summarizes the findings of Occult authority, Kurt Koch. We remind our students that several physiological and psychological conditions can present symptoms similar to demonic influence. The medical possibilities must be eliminated before concluding a person is spiritually influenced.

Old Testament Endtimes Prophecy Chart

Dennis McCallum
Pastor Dennis McCallum catalogs key end-times prophecies in the Old Testament.

Old Testament Understand of the Names of God

Mary Barnum
My friend from Viet Nam has been given the name, Coung Cam Cao. This means "tall, strong one" and was chosen for him as a reflection of his parent's goals and dreams for him. So it is true that in other cultures, a name has deeper significance. The Hebrew culture was one such culture during the early times of the Old Testament. In this paper, we will look at the names used for God in the Old Testament. The question to be considered is whether or not the name/names used for God were intended to have a material effect on the theological content of the scripture? Or, are they, generally speaking, arbitrary, interchangeable, and a simple reflection of author preference?

Optimistic Secular Humanism

Dennis McCallum
Humanism is an ideology based on the centrality of humankind. It is possible to espouse theistic humanism, or even Christian Humanism. In these cases, the term humanism means a concern for humanistic goals, with the understanding that God is the final solution to man's needs. Secular humanism, on the other hand, implies a focus on man apart from God, whether or not God exists.