The Warehouse
Come check out the Warehouse in Clintonville! With free Wi-Fi, a fireplace, lots of quiet seating, and an outdoor patio, this location makes a great Bible study and hangout spot.
Hours: Hours vary and are dependent on ministry events.
Thursday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Questions? Give the Warehouse Study Center a call!
Address: 600 E Oakland Park, 43214
Phone Number: (614) 447-8412

In 2011, Dwell staff began planning for expansion. We were heading toward a critical need to keep up with growth throughout the church, as the 4th Street Café wasn’t going be able to keep pace. An average attendance week at 4th St. looked something like this:

Over 30 locations across Columbus were visited during a 3 year period. In 2013, we spent a great deal of time negotiating for the old Lighthouse church off I-71 and Morse Rd., but after 3 months, those negotiations ended. Then, we turned to a solution of adding to Calumet Christian School, which could have worked for the short term. An engineering plan was drafted, until we came across what would become the Warehouse Study Center.
For the next year and change, the process began for the building to be renovated and occupied. In March 2015, the Warehouse began to open for use.
The Warehouse is a quiet space for students to come and study, with scholarly tools like commentaries. Other study tools and books are available to borrow. It's a prime place for focused discipleship time because of the amount of space and different areas to hang out or study.