The Postmodern Critique of Science

Dennis McCallum
Pastor Dennis McCallum charts the postmodern critique of the scientific method.

The Postmodern vs. Grammatical Historical Approaches to Literature

Dennis McCallum
Pastor Dennis McCallum charts the different interpretive approaches of the postmodern and grammatical-historical views.

The Privilege of Being a Home Group Leader

Gary DeLashmutt
Here is a very important question: “What is my predominant disposition about being a home church leader?” Is it “I get to” or “I’ve got to?” If you lead for any length of time, you will struggle at times with the “I’ve got to” perspective. But you must struggle against it, not accept it. And you must cultivate the “I get to” perspective so that it predominates.

The Problem of Apparent Chronological Contradictions in the Synoptics

Joe Botti, Tom Dixon, and Alex Steinman
A quick glance at a side-by-side ordering of the gospel accounts is enough to reveal how closely the Synoptics follow each other as they recount the life and teaching of Christ. The relationship between these accounts has been, on the one hand, an assurance to believers of the historical validity of the Gospels. On the other hand, such comparisons have given rise to a multitude of questions about which Gospel was written first, whether subsequent authors borrowed from each other, and why there are differences in wording, style and order as the authors report the same events. All these issues form the Synoptic problem.

The Problem of Evil

Dennis McCallum
The presence of evil, pain and suffering in our world is the most persistent argument raised against theism. The following are several of the main responses to the presence of evil in the world and its impact on the existence of the God of the Bible.

The Role of Women in the Church: New Material Leads to a New View

Dennis McCallum
I had an unusual experience with Groothuis' book because I have been reconsidering my understanding of 1 Timothy 2, and a friend suggested Groothuis had some good points on that chapter. Therefore, I read the chapter on "I Do Not Permit a Woman" first, even though it is near the end of the book. I was very intrigued with Groothuis' work on this passage, mainly because she suggested an interpretation for the passage that I had never before considered. To people like me, who are sympathetic to evangelical feminism, but don't feel the freedom to dismiss or discount any passage of Scripture, 1 Timothy 2 stands as a key roadblock to women serving as elders. This stands in opposition to the position known as egalitarianism. According to egalitarians, women and men are the same with regard to their roles, not just equal before God. They believe women should be allowed to hold any position in the church, and even within marriage, should have a role no different than that of men.

The Shepherd Motif in the Old and New Testament

Mary Beth Gladwell
The motif of the shepherd is found throughout the scripture. In the Old Testament God has words of strong rebuke and warning for bad shepherds, and prophecies of a good shepherd that is to come. In the New Testament, Jesus identifies himself as the Good Shepherd and we find in the epistles the notion of good shepherding extended to those who would lead in the church. This paper will attempt to explore the shepherding motif in some detail. In specific it will answer the following three questions: Why might have God chosen to use this particular image? What are the characteristics of a good shepherd? Who is the Shepherd that is to come referred to in the Old Testament?

The Under Law Debate

Dennis McCallum
What does Paul mean when he says we are "no more under law, but under grace?" (Romans 6:14). Our answer to this question must account for the fact that Paul sees something different now from before the time of Christ. Galatians 3:24ff teaches that Old Testament saints were kept by a "child conductor" (paidagogos) until the time of Christ. What is the difference Paul is referring to? Arguments have tended to fall into a "law is good for you" camp and a "law is bad for you" camp.

The Unity of Old Testament Theology

Steve Bauer, Dave Glover, John McKewen, and Todd Mullen
In Genesis 1:28 God blesses Adam and Eve and instructs them to be fruitful and multiply. This theme reappears throughout the Old Testament during times of major transition. After the flood, God blesses Noah and his sons and instructs them to be fruitful and multiply. Jacob receives this promise after fleeing from Esau. In addition, at the time Jacob's name is changed to Israel, God reminds him he will be a great nation and charges him to be fruitful and multiply. Later while in Egypt, it isthe prolific nature and power of the Jewish people that causes the Pharaoh to seek alternatives to curbing their growth. In spite of the persecution at the hands of the Egyptians, God continues to build a nation through which He will deliver the promised seed of Abraham.