The Waldensian Movement From Waldo to the Reformation

Dennis McCallum
In the literature of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, there appears the figure of an intriguing man who had an exceptional impact on the society of his day. He is referred to variously as Valdes, Valdesius, Valdensius and Waldo (Valdo), from the city of Lyons. References to the movement he founded ("Waldensians" "the poor of Lyons" "the Leonese" "the Poor of Lombardy" or simply "the Poor") appear repeatedly throughout the succeeding centuries of European history. They are always in the shadows, always under bitter persecution, always hard to understand, but always seemingly at the cutting edge of reformation ferment.

The World System in the Bible

Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt
Pastors Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt provide an overview of passages on the world system.

Theistic Apologetics

Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt
There are three major approaches to theistic apologetics in common use today. They are the Classical approach, the Evidentialist approach, and the Presuppositional approach.

Theology Proper

Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt
Pastors Gary DeLashmutt and Dennis McCallum list theological aspects of God and relevant passages for each attribute.

Thinking Biblically about Equality, Justice & Reconciliation

John Ross
Issues of equality, justice and reconciliation exploded into public consciousness through the May 25, 2020, murder of George Floyd, at the hands of four police officers, one of whom knelt on his neck for minutes. Global protests against police brutality and racism caused many who had been frustrated or unaware of these issues to learn, listen, research and act.

Toward A Philosophy of Christian Leadership

Dennis McCallum
I argue repeatedly that the key to success in ministry, as God defines success, is getting in line with what God wants to do, or is doing. The biblical concept of ministry is serving God or other people in a way that furthers God’s will or purpose. Further, true ministry must be empowered and directed by God. God is clear that "it is the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing." (John 6:63) He warns in the Old Testament that, "Unless the Lord builds the house, they do labor in vain that build it." (Psalms 127:1) Paul said the apostles were those who "glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh." (Phil. 3:3) These passages and many others all suggest the same thing: If God’s power moves through us in ministry, spiritual fruit will be borne. If his power is not animating our ministry, nothing we do will help the situation.

Toward an Approach to Christian Ethics

Dennis McCallum
The subject of Christian ethics is far too broad to cover in a single article. However, there is value in first outlining the best direction of approach to this question, and only then considering the particulars of the discussion. The following essay was written in response to the challenge by Dr. Douglas Chismar to set the author's approach to Christian ethics down in an essay of less than 20 pages.

Toxic Faith, By Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton: A Critical Evaluation

Dennis McCallum
This book is challenging and worthwhile to read. It describes problems people have with religious compulsivity, some of which we have seen in our experience of church life. However, I found some serious shortcomings in the book that could lead to dangerous misuse of the thesis. The first three chapters are good, and chapter three especially deals with doctrinal and sociological features of toxic groups effectively. Obviously groups like CAN which refuse to consider anything about a group's belief system would ignore this chapter. But practice does grow out of doctrine, and I don't think it should be ignored at all.

Two Perspectives: Under Law vs. Under Grace

Dennis McCallum
Whether Christians view themselves under law or under grace will affect their perspective on failure, growth, self, the Holy Spirit and other key issues.

Understanding Basic Beliefs

Jim Leffel
Everyone has a set of beliefs. In this essay, we will discuss the concept of "basic beliefs," and describe the basic belief systems that shape contemporary ideologies.