Dwell Relief Fund Helping Around the World

The Dwell Missions Division recently distributed emergency relief money to some of our partners suffering from the effects of the coronavirus. The division reports our partners in Haiti have already been able to use the money to use:

COVID-19 is having devastating impacts on the health and economy in many of the countries where our Global Partners work. So, in addition to annual sustaining funds from the Global Partnership Fund, we recently released emergency funding to ...

Study Center Now Offering Curbside Pick-up

Starting May 22nd the Study Center will offer curbside pick-up and drop-off for books. Its staff will be following the Ohio Library Council's guidance for offering this service safely (disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks & gloves, social distancing, etc).

Here are the options for reserving and picking up a book:

Login to your study center account at studycenter.xenos.org, search for your book, click "Place Hold," and select "New Location at RDP" as your pickup location.
Call the Stu...

Dwell Volunteers Diligently Serve Food Pantry

With many people in need of food these days, with dozens of volunteers from Dwell are answering the call each week at the All People’s Fresh Market on Parsons Avenue, a program of Community Development for All People. They’ve been packing food boxes, loading them into customers’ cars, cleaning, directing traffic, and handling administrative tasks.

The Market offers fresh food to folks on a low-income and is the largest free food distributor in Ohio serving between 500 to 700 famil...

Dwell Support Ministries Take Their Service Online

A number of Dwell support ministries are, for now, meeting online--a way to continue to serve and encourage, including those who may be especially vulnerable at this time. These groups are sharing God's love and strength with people battling addiction (and those who love them), military veterans, people with mental illness, and those with special needs. You can see a full list of ministries below.

Tim Downs volunteers with the weekly Call-Sign Bible study for veterans. In March they stoppe...

Dwell Classes Continue, Despite Cancellation Challenges

Thanks to technology and the quick work of the Equipping Division staff, Dwell continues to offer great classes to equip you to understand the Bible and accurately apply it to your life. Over the last few weeks the division has been offering a reduced schedule of 6 classes, and is now preparing for 5 additional classes for the second half of the spring quarter.

Just added this week: Reasons to Believe with Doug O'Malley and the Confluence of Character and Competence in Leadership wit...

Pacesetters Ministry Pivots to COVID-19 Needs

On March 12th the Dwell Pacesetters’ ministry was ready to launch a bi-weekly Bible study for senior citizens. But that same day Ohio issued COVID-19 restrictions on large gatherings, and it was put on hold.

That hasn’t stopped the Pacesetters’ ministry from serving seniors in a different way—both those in Dwell and those in the community. Pacesetters has paired 80 Dwell seniors with younger volunteers who are checking in with them by phone, chatting with them, and praying with them. I...

Good Grief Group Will Meet Online

By John Montgomery

The Good Grief discussion group will conduct a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 21st, at 6:30 pm. This group provides support, comfort, and understanding for high school, college and young adults who have lost a loved one.

The state of emergency in our country not only causes grief but enhances grief that is already present. Grief cannot be quarantined or isolated until a “convenient” time. Yet grief and suffering by nature are isolating.

In his book, Forever, Paul T...

Eastern Europe

Our Global Partner in Eastern Europe see to reach the student population and mobilize them to in turn reach others for Christ. Mark and Laura have been commissioned as missionaries to equip foreign college students in church planting. Mark and Laura have extensive experience in cross-cultural work in the region. Through discipleship and biblical training, the goal is to empower students towards a concrete vision to plant churches in their home countries. The shared linguistic and political he...

Free Clinics

The mission of the Free Clinics is to provide free basic medical, dental and legal services to the working poor and homeless as an expression of the love of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to honoring and serving others as people of infinite worth, made in God's image, regardless of their age, sex, ethnicity or beliefs. Referrals to other agencies for those in need of long term or specialized care will be provided. The clinics also provide opportunities for spiritual growth...

India Gospel League

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The church is expanding rapidly in India, but even with the rapid growth only a fraction of the population has been reached with the Gospel of Christ. In order to continue this great work, IGL has mobilized barefoot pastors. The barefoot pastor and his family take up residence in one of the villages where he serves the church and disciples and trains new believers to expand God’s kingdom. 

We want to expand...